Hi, my name is yutaro. I’m so inspired by Bitcoin & Nostr based projects that I start this “English to Japanese translations” service which is my strength. So, please feel free to contact me for my help!

>> Support my project here (Geyser)


Users’ Voice

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Done Projects

Minister of Tourism of El Salvador

I contributed the Japanese subtitles for the congratulatory video by the Minister of Tourism of El Salvador for “Bitcoin Tokyo 2024” presented by ”CUBO+ Travel“. I’m very honored!

Blink Wallet (Lightning App)

I translated “Blink Wallet“ , a mobile app for lightning payments, into Japanese. It is the beautiful lightning wallet recommended for beginners (formerly “Bitcoin Beach Wallet“ in El Salvador).

Geyser (Crowdfunding Site)

I translated the world’s first Bitcoin crowdfunding site, “Geyser (by Metamick)”, into Japanese. Of course, I am also looking for funding for this “Japanese translation project” on Geyser.

CUBO+ Travel (Travel Service)

CUBO+, a community that promotes bitcoin education in El Salvador, has recently launched its official travel website, “CUBO+ Travel”, translated into Japanese by me. I would love to travel to El Salvador using this service!

Nostr Documentary (YouTube)

I contributed Japanese subtitles for Nostr’s first documentary video “Social Media is broken. Can we fix it? (by Max DeMarco)” It is an excellent film with interviews with Jack Dorsey and other people fascinated by Nostr.

Nostr: The Dawn of Cyberspace

I was in charge of Japanese translation for the excellent long article “Nostr: The Dawn of Cyberspace (by arkinox)”, which describes the Nostr cyberspace enabled by permissionless and thermodynamics. It is a very thought-provoking and interesting piece, so I would really recommend you read it.

Bitcoin Beach Project (El Salvador)

I translated the full text of “Bitcoin Banking for Communities: Lessons Learned from Bitcoin Beach” a long article summarizing Bitcoin Beach Wallet (now Blink Wallet) lessons learned in El Salvador, into Japanese.

Nostr.how (Nostr Guide)

I was in charge of the Japanese translation of “Nostr.how“, a detailed explanation of the decentralized social media Nostr. It is a very nice media that even beginners can learn the technical structure of Nostr and its apps.

Lost in Bitcoin (Media)

I was assigned to translate the full text of “The State of Bitcoin Adoption in Lugano – December 2022” into Japanese for “Lost in Bitcoin (by Teruko)“, one of Japan’s largest online bitcoin media. The accuracy and speed of my translation was highly praised, thankfully I will continue to be involved as an English to Japanese translator.

Nostrasia Registration Form

I translated the registration form into Japanese for “Nostrasia (2nd Nostr Unconference)” to be held on November 1-3, 2023. The event closed with great success!

Nostrasia Posters

I was involved in translating “the poster for Nostrasia (by NoGood)” into Japanese. Please visit Nostrasia to see how this poster is displayed there.


I supported “Habla.news (by verbiricha)” translation into Japanese, which allows you to write long articles on Nostr. If you want to start a blog in a world of free speech, you should give it a try.

Nos Social (Nostr App)

I translated one of the most famous Nostr’s mobile client app, “Nos Social (by rabble)”, into Japanese. Welcome to the new world of social media that you must try.




Hi, my name is yutaro. I’m so inspired by Bitcoin & Nostr based projects that I start this “English to Japanese translations” service which is my strength. So, please feel free to contact me for my help!


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Original T Shirts (Items)

STACK SATS original “Bitcoin & Nostr” T-shirts (Items) are now available. Those items are designed to all bitcoiners & Nostr users. (*International shipping Available!)

>> STACK SATS Original Items

In the end

If you like this site, please send me a few “satoshi (sats)” to encourage me to keep it up and running. If you would like to try “Lightning Network”, please send me a small amount even 1 sat and I would be happy if you could feel the power of it.

>> Support my project here (Geyser)
